old blogger posts

The dark sigil Odegra and Thoth

April 13, 2003

I've just got off the phone to my friend Natalie in Portland Oregon who, I was reminded, once gave a small tin-foil statuette of the god Thoth to Neil Gaiman. This fact has always made me slightly envious as I have never given anything to Neil Gaiman. I have a signed copy of Mr Punch, […]

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Sunday Sunday

April 13, 2003

It’s Sunday, and if I had an ounce of sense, which I will be the first to admit I do not, I would have spent the day chilling out, maybe going to Tescos, and possibly slipping quietly into a pleasant coma in front of the TV. But, being stupid, I didn’t. I intended to spend […]

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Ten signs that your internet dependency is getting out of hand

April 12, 2003

1. Your morning routine is: – get up – turn computer on – check and reply to emails – check and reply to messageboards – shower – breakfast In that order. 2. The numbers 24/7 fill you with a suffusion of joy, and yet the nearest all-night garage is miles away. 3. Your neighbours, whom […]

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It's my party and I'll scrike if I want to

April 12, 2003

I always knew that there was a strong risk of this blog becoming somewhat, er, circular, but I never imagined that it would happen this soon after revealing the presence of said blog to my web compatriots. It happens like this… you discuss something on your blog. Then you discuss the same thing with someone […]

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number five?

April 10, 2003

I don’t much like war. And I don’t much like war flicks. I’m particularly unfond of that kind of stressed, nervy feeling I get when I watch violent flicks, so I was a little apprehensive about watching Ride with the Devil. It was recommended to me by a couple of friends, and it does feature […]

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April 10, 2003

Just spent 90 minutes (yup, 90 – count 'em) on the phone to NTL to sort out my NTL email account. The cable modem goes like shit off a shovel, but the email and free web space just weren't playing ball at all. It seems that my account was so badly shagged that the guy […]

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But why?

April 10, 2003

One of my online friends, Jonas, last night asked me why I blog, and I couldn’t come up with a good answer. I’ve been mulling over this since, and I’m still not sure. Initially I wondered if it was the confessional urge, this inherent need to tell everything to everyone, but considering that when I […]

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Copies of Spider-Man 2 Already on the Web

April 10, 2003

I think this ties in very well with what I was saying in one of my earlier blogs. See, prescient or what? 😆

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Twice in two days

April 9, 2003

Well, would you look at that? Two posts in two days – quite a miracle don’t you think? Ah, I feel like crawling into a crevice and staying there for a couple of years, after today’s exhausting excitement. I’m trying to locate some additional funds for my business, so today I met with a new […]

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Hey guys! I'm not dead yet!

April 8, 2003

Contrary to the rumours currently not circulating the internet, I haven't expired from overwork, nor have I been sold into slavery in Torquay. Instead, I've been doing promotional work for Pimms by drinking copious amounts of their product and recommending it to my pals in America. I look forward to going over to San Francisco […]

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oooh, too long away!

November 23, 2002

Hey peeps! Well, it's been a few months, and you might be wondering where I've been. Probably not, but it pleases me to pretend. Well, I've been working my small and perfectly formed arse off, frankly, doing stupid hours, working weekends and generally being a slave to the computer. So, what do I decide to […]

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July 20, 2002

You know, I really must get out of the habit of putting my laundry out to dry at 10 in the morning and then forgetting to bring it in until after dark. It really is a bad move. Becasue you know what happens… you stumble outside at half midnight, trying to see by the crappy […]

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Yes, I'm still here

July 19, 2002

I just haven't been able to face posting for the last, ahem, few weeks. Why? Well, spent most of the last month chasing round after banks trying to get funding for my business, and generally met an unfavourable response. At least none of them laughed. Although Nat West did ask some fucking stupid questions that, […]

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Sampras is out

June 27, 2002

Well, here we are at another Wimbledon, and isn’t it lucky that it started before the World Cup finished. Now we can all focus our attentions on willing Timothy on to the finals instead of whining about England getting knocked out by favourites Brazil. That was really starting to get on my nerves, actually. What […]

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June 21, 2002


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