
Fuckwit marketers at it again

September 30, 2005

Every now and again I come across a piece of marketing which is just so clueless as to be astonishing. Usually it involves blogs and some idiot at an agency somewhere thinking that they can 'leverage' the 'power' of blogs to 'virally market' their wares and 'increase brand awareness'. Usually, I just take the piss. […]

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Biz blogging survey

September 23, 2005

The BlogOn guys and iUpload are doing a survey of business bloggers. Go, now, fill it out, cos I get to play with the raw data when it's done and I want lots of data to play with!

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Drowning in spam

September 23, 2005

Woke up to over 1550 comment spam on my blog this morning. I can't sit and delete them all by hand, so am hereby begging the people at Blogware to do it for me with a database query. In the meantime, anon comments is turned off, HTML in comments is turned off, and I'm sorry […]

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Why do you blog?

September 19, 2005

Saira's asking why people blog, as she tries to wrap her head round what blogging is, what it means to us bloggers, and how it affects people. Why not pop over and give her your answer? She's also having a blogger meet-up: Thursday 22nd Sept at 7pm The Sofa So Bar, 515 Fulham Road, London,SW6 […]

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Psychologists/Sociologists studying blogging?

September 15, 2005

Anyone know of any? Or are you one yourself? Please email me if you are (pref UK-based). Thanks.

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Personal offline blogs

September 15, 2005

OK, so here's a thing. If I want to run multiple offline blogs on my iBook which will never be published online, but still have basic blog functionality – like categories, permalinks, search – what software should I use? Can I set up MT or WordPress locally like that without having to do weird shit […]

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Valuable moral lessons

September 6, 2005

From folksongs. Do not, under any circumstances ignore this advice. You'll end up dead by the third stanza. A Doleful Ghost will be involved.

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Saira's blog

August 30, 2005

Another blog victim convert. I'm sitting here with Saira Khan, who has just posted her first blog post ever, for a program on Radio Five Live which will air on the Julian Warricker show on October 2 at 11am. I do so love getting people into blogging.

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I wonder…

August 26, 2005

… If posting a post will make this blog show the new ones instead of the old ones. Who can tell. UPDATE: Hm, it seems that this blog thinks it's July 6th, so although posting is fine, and all the articles are here, but it's for some reason not displaying the latest ones on the […]

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Today's Observer

August 14, 2005

I totally forgot that I was interviewed for today's Observer – a bit about blogging and public sector workers. They didn't actually have one in the corner shop, so I ended up with a Times. Actually, I must have remembered on some level that I wanted an Observer because I normally never buy papers anyway. […]

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Are you suffering?

August 2, 2005

From blog depression?

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Euan manages to totally embarrass Andy

July 28, 2005

By accident, via his blog. (Read the post then read the comments.)

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Craigslist for bloggers

July 26, 2005

Hugh's started up a wiki for bloggers looking for work, love, or blog consultants. Great idea – perfect for the hResume microformat too, once it gets up and running (microformat = way to format structured data online in a human readable form, so that we can read it but web apps do cool shit with […]

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July 17, 2005

I've just realised that my blog still thinks I'm in the UK, so all the times on my posts are wrong. Can't decide if I should go in and edit them to fit, or not bother. I think… on reflection… I just can't be arsed. I'll be back in the UK soon enough and then […]

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July 13, 2005

My mate Steve has a new blog. Ace!! Go pay him a visit.

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