

February 8, 2004

Ok, I'm back from London, but really not sure where to start. I haven't blogged for a couple of days and I'm overflowing with things to say, yet have no idea in which order I should say them. Had a fantastic time in London – oh, it was just exquisite to get away from the […]

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Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…

February 5, 2004

Suddenly, it gets a whole lot better. I really am not quite sure why*, but I’ve been in a preposterously good mood all day today, and probably annoying the crap out of everyone else. House move is now supposed to be Tuesday and the atmosphere here is so tense you could scoop it up and […]

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Clwb Malu Cachu up!

February 5, 2004

The new improved CMC website is now up! w00t! (Oops, sorry… all that IRCing's getting to me.) If you have any interest in Welsh: Go! See! If you don't: Go! See! Anyway!

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Clwb Malu Cachu will be back up tomorrow

February 4, 2004

I've pretty much finished up the CMC housekeeping, which means that the site will be back up and running at some point tomorrow. I've just got to rewrite the index page and proof read dozen or so new pages that I wrote today. It's been a bigger job than I had anticipated, partly down to […]

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Imaginary friends

February 4, 2004

I know that I may possibly, accidentally and quite unintentionally, have befriended a few people on Orkut that I don't actually, in the strictest possible sense of the word and certainly not biblically, know, but really, I'm sure that not all of my friends there are imaginary…

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February 4, 2004

Hm. This explains a lot. From GapingVoid, for all your blogcard needs. Cos you need blogcards. No, you do. Don't look at me like that – you may not know you do, but I promise you, when you have blogcards, your life will be complete. At least in the 'having blogcards' sense.

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I appear to have dislocated my life

February 3, 2004

One of the problems when you’re navigating unfamiliar territory is that you tend to either be concentrating on where you’re going or trying not to tread in dog turds on the pavement. It’s easy to get so caught up in these tasks that you never actually look up. You never look around, never take in […]

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Polish it is then!

February 3, 2004

Ok, so the poll is closed. Any accusations of bias, skewing or fiddling will be vehemenantly denied, as soon as I can spell it. As proof, here's a screenshot of the poll just as the last vote was cast: My good friend and fellow Welsh nut Loolie will be my official Study Buddy, although if […]

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Hello, I bought this Monday last week, and I'd like to change it for one that works, please

February 2, 2004

I've got to the point with my packing where there's just not much left to pack. Possibly a couple of boxes – the rest I can't pack till a bit closer to the time because it's stuff I use on a daily basis. The trouble is, we still don't know for sure that we are […]

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No more comments

February 1, 2004

I'm sorry, I've had to turn off comments because the spammers keep hitting my blog, and the process for removing comment spam is at the moment totally unsatisfactory. If you have a comment, please leave it on the blog board. I'll get comments up again as soon as Blog-City have sorted out something more sensible […]

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Which language should I learn next?

February 1, 2004

I decided last night that it was about time I really buckled down and started on my third language. Ok, so it's not like I couldn't do more with my Welsh, but I'm at a level now with that where what I need to do is read a lot, rather than actually sit and try […]

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All new Celebrity Cameo

February 1, 2004

Been ages since my subconscious has thrown up a celebrity dream cameo. Probably because I've been so caught up in real life and this whole moving house thing that there's been little room for much else in my head. This morning, however, I dreamt that we'd moved in to a two storey terraced bungalow, (ahem, […]

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Procrastination is the thief of time

January 31, 2004

And when the bastard gets nicked he's going down for 15 to life, I swear. The only useful thing I've done today was one script review. Admittedly that was fairly worthwhile, but really, not worthwhile enough to redeem the rest of the day. Tomorrow… I shall pack. I shall do another script review. And I […]

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January 31, 2004

If Orkut only ever does one useful thing, then it will have been showing me pictures of all the #joiito dudes. If it does two, then the second will be introducing me to A Subtle Sweetness. Any blog that recomments peanut oil for cooking in has to be worthy of further inspection, and has to […]

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Not content with Fox…

January 31, 2004

Now GT's on CNN! And I missed that too! Pfft!

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