
Workshopping the script

August 12, 2003

OK, so the script is up on Zoetrope, and I have a half dozen people who’ve kindly said they’ll help me workshop it. I’ve been lurking on the site all morning, hoping for people to stick their heads above the parapets and offer to take a look. It’s a little nerve-wracking, really. One never knows […]

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The job hunt proceeds

August 12, 2003

I really hate looking for jobs. It’s a demoralising and depressing task. I have this bad tendency to trawl through the job web sites, print out a sheaf of possibilities, then put them on the desk and forget them. I really must learn to actually apply for jobs, rather than just think about applying for […]

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Froggy update

August 12, 2003

Voice now almost back to normal, however lurgy has now developed into a killer cough that the Marlborough Man would have been proud of. Kept me up til 3am last night, until exhaustion finally won out over mucous. So feeling none to bright this morning. I hate these summer colds. They go on forever…

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First rewrite complete

August 12, 2003

Just finished the first rewrite of my first draft of my first screenplay. Yay! I'll be putting it up for limited review on Zoetrope tomorrow, when I've proofed it again. Being impatient, I have already sent it to two friends for comment. Nervous times. What if it's crap? Ah, it won't be. But then, it […]

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Frogs legs in a delicate white wine sauce

August 11, 2003

Well, the voice is staging a comeback, so it seems that I’m not going to break my own personal record of days spent croaking. At the moment it’s all husky – quite sexy really. Oh, if only I had someone here whose knees I could melt with this velvet voice of mine (whilst it lasts). […]

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Toad in the hole, anyone?

August 10, 2003

Still blazingly hot. Still have no voice. Still croaking like a well full of toads. But closer to getting Act 2 sorted out in my head. And once that's done, the rewrite will be easypeasy.

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Back in Reading

August 10, 2003

So far, the voice shows no sign of returning, but it has only been two days. The longest I've been without a voice was I think nine days. Or maybe it was 11. It was a while ago and my memory is as hazy as my voice is unreliable. Those who know me in real […]

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A day of three films

August 9, 2003

Well, as I've lost my voice utterly and completely now, and can do no more than whisper hoarsly and gesticulate, and as it's been astoundingly hot and really quite uncomfortable even in the shade (quite contrary to my prediction this morning), Kate and I did the only thing we could possibly do. We went to […]

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A small colony of frogs

August 9, 2003

Well, here I am in Arundel with my friends K and S. Temperature is several degrees below what it is in Reading, so it feels nice and cool. Just perfect for my summer cold which has now developed into a hefty cough. And I have no voice. Just the odd croak and wheeze. I mean, […]

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Another day of slowly coming to the boil

August 8, 2003

Sheesh, it's hot. Nice to have so much sunshine, but it's really way too hot for me. I have the urge to siesta all day… Anyways, I'm off to Arundel tonight to see my friend Kate. Normal service will be resumed as soon as I can figure out what normal is.

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Give me a job!

August 7, 2003

I’ve heard the stories, the myths, of people getting hired because of their blog. So I guess it’s time to put that to test. Here is my CV – please feel free to download it and pass it on to anyone you know who is hiring. I’d be particularly good in a content management or […]

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Ave atque vale

August 7, 2003

Well, I don’t really know quite where to start. So much to say. Most of it not good. I guess I should start with the worst news. The reason I’ve not been blogging as much as I normally do lately is that I’ve been dealing with the death of my business, and I didn’t feel […]

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Wales is too beautiful

August 3, 2003

Computer died last week (well, truth be told, I broke it), and then I had to leave for Wales, so no blogging lately. It's absolutely gorgeous up here – I've had time to chill out, think, and consider everything whilst taking in the fantastic scenery. I so want to live in Llanfrothen, drink at The […]

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First draft done!

July 30, 2003

First draft of my script now finished. Comes in at 93 pages, which is way too short, but I have other scenes to add and tweaking to do, so it's not really quite a first draft yet. But it's the first time it's been complete end-to-end, so to speak. The dots have been joined. Now […]

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Fingers crossed

July 29, 2003

With any luck, I'll get to see The Matrix: Reloaded at the IMAX tonight. Somehow, I'm just not as excited about it as I was last time round. They'd best not have projector failure tonight, though… Full report tomorrow, and an explanation about why I've not been blogging much lately.

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