Some numbers, some words, and some feeling rather grateful that I’m done with this month. Whilst I have enjoyed this form of calligraphy, I’m slightly surprised to find that I have no real desire to carry on with it. I’m happy to have done a month, but also happy to be leaving it here.
More catching up! The upstrokes on the W, M and N are particularly hard.
The last week has been really rather hectic, with visits to friends and family, so I’ve been rather more separated from my practice than I’d like. It might take me a while to catch up, but here are four pages of practice.
I’m getting better at joining up lines without it showing too much, but it’s still hard to go over the hairlines to thicken them without it looking a bit crap. Also, getting the proportions right is hard. I could do with individual practice sheets for each letter, where I can draw over the correct forms until I get a better feel for it.
Nice and satisfying today.
Today’s practice. Still finding it hard to get that big swishy bit on the left to come out properly.
The little extra thickness on the top of the F and T is formed by going over the hairline again with a slightly thicker stroke, which is far, far easier said than done. I think, also, that the loop ought to have been bigger.
I do have a bit of a confession to make: the instructions tell you to turn the paper upside down to draw the left-hand part of the lower loop for the z, and I’ve been far too lazy to. Instead, I’ve been trying to join it up at the bottom left corner of the lo0ps, with varying degrees of success. The idea of constantly turning the paper… gah. No. But, I have now graduated to upper case letters. Yay!
Those damn ascender and descender loops are bastards. That is all.
The way that the Vitolo book groups letters together makes a lot of sense – there’s a huge similarity between an i, u and w, for example. Anyway, here’s my practice.
More practice, but this time with proper (ish) technique!