Take a Break

by Suw on July 3, 2007

Almost the first thing Kevin said when I got home on Friday was “Can you explain to me the cultural significance of Take A Break?”, at which point I burst out laughing.
Yes, that's right, this week, I'm in Take A Break magazine (you better rush – it goes off the shelves tomorrow). A while back, you may remember, I was contacted by Elaine Pearson, asking if I'd be willing to talk about 'wedding inflation' – that phenomenon where prices mysteriously increase when you put the word 'wedding' in front of a noun, e.g. 'wedding photographer' or 'wedding cake'. Of course I said yes. I always do. And now it's out!
Although I did clear it with Kevin first, I'm not sure he really took much notice at the time, so he was somewhat surprised when his colleagues at The Guardian started ribbing him about it. Bless. I've got a copy, so I'll show it to him when he's back from Kuala Lumpur. Meantime, wow – my 15 seconds of fame!
And welcome to anyone who's here because of the URL that TaB kindly published. Do feel free to poke about in the archives and leave comments if you'd like!

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