October 2006

Hallam Foe

October 9, 2006

One of the hardest parts of the film making process, as any aspiring scriptwriter will tell you, is describing your film to people who haven't seen it. When I was a regular on Zoetrope, we'd frequently have discussions about writing the logline (a one or two sentence description) and pitch (one or two paragraphs) for […]

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Must. Stop. Hitting. Head. Against. Wall.

October 9, 2006

Ok… so I hit a brick wall with my Ruby on Rails book, Agile Web Dev. with Rails, which was that MySQL didn't behave the way the book seems to say it should. So the book implies that one should be able to issue MySQL commands using Terminal, from the directory in which the Rails […]

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Should I be somewhere?

October 6, 2006

I woke with an unsettling feeling that I should be somewhere today. I know I have a talk to give at lunchtime, but for some reason, deep in the back of my mind, is the feeling that I should either be somewhere else right now, or this afternoon. Trouble is, I can't remember where or […]

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Problems with Strange Attractor

October 5, 2006

Kev's reported problems accessing Strange Attractor recently. I haven't noticed a significant problem, but if you have can you please let me know? Have you tried to read or comment and found there to be problems?

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Champers at Comptoir Gascon

October 3, 2006

Kev and I went to a champagne tasting last week, and as he was busy scribbling on the tasting notes, I thought I'd ask him if he wanted to write up his thoughts for CnV, as he doesn't have his own personal blog yet. So please welcome T'Other to the blog: Wow, it feels a […]

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