The whole Nick Frost: From El Diablo to Kinky Boots

by Suw on April 30, 2005

Last week, I was chuffed as a small horse to be given the opportunity to talk to Nick Frost for The Podcast Network's Movie Show, and finally the interview is available for your delectation.
Apologies for the slightly crappy sound quality, especially to begin with – Skype was playing us up something chronic. To ameliorate the problem, I recommend listening under your bedsheets late at night with a torch in hand, in homage to the olden days when we used to pretend to be asleep whilst actually tuning in to obscure AM radio stations. Well, cool people did. I was too busy reading Asimov.

Anonymous May 2, 2005 at 5:50 pm

Cool interview. Makes a change to hear an hour long conversation with a celebrity rather than the two minute soundbite you usually get on TV, turns the subject from being a celebrity into a real human being. Well, real-ish. People who appear on TV can't really be real. And isn't Nick Frost the twisted spawn of Kenner's first attempts to produce a Care Bear? Find a photo – the resemblance between him and Bedtime Bear is uncanny. Except Nick Frost isn't blue of course.

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