That voodoo hoodoo that you do

by Suw on April 12, 2005

(08:55) Suw: It was so good yesterday to go see my acupuncturist. He's sort of a bit of a therapist too, i suppose. You get to spew out everything that's bothering you, then he sticks pins in you, and sticks magnets to you, and then you feel much better. it's great.
(09:00) kevinmarks: heh sounds like irc, but with magnets
(09:01) Suw: i remember when i first went, last year he took one looks and said 'Hmm, you're a bit stressed. I am going to put a stop to that' and when i came out it was like he'd found the off switch. i was completely calm, completely relaxed.
(09:02) kevinmarks: spooky. so you lie there face down and moan and he sticks pins in you and you feel better?
(09:04) Suw: bascially, yes
(09:04) kevinmarks: sounds like voodoo
(09:04) Suw: the moaning is optional
(09:04) kevinmarks: somewhere a doll is in great pain

Anonymous April 13, 2005 at 12:54 pm

I would have to agree with Mr. Marks: spooky. so you lie there face down and moan and he sticks pins in you and you feel better?

Anonymous April 13, 2005 at 1:14 pm

Oh, but it works! It really does. And visibly too, sometimes. I have a very delicate back, which is prone to going all of a wiggledypiggledy at the drop of a hat, so much so that you can see the wiggles. My acupuncturist can fix it just like that, and you can tell when he's done that I can stand up straight again. I don't know how it works, but it does.

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