Tuesday, September 28, 2004


by Suw on September 28, 2004

Three DVDs.
Extended scenes.
Extra footage.
Bliss on toast.
Stating the obvious was always my strong point.

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Egogooglebombing Simon Pegg

by Suw on September 28, 2004

Looking for a transcription of Shaun of the Dead last night, I discovered that I rank #2 for a Google search on the term 'shaun of the dead transcription', although somewhat mistakenly Google links to one of my old Lawrence Lessig posts which has the word 'transcription' in it.
This set me wondering, so I searched for 'Simon Pegg' and 'Shaun of the Dead' and discovered that (unsurprisingly) I don't come up anywhere in the top 10 pages, despite repeated mentions here of both Simon Pegg and Shaun of the Dead and Google's alleged love of blogs. My train of thought and a discussion with Kevin Marks, who always gets me in trouble, resulted in the thought of egogooglebombing – googlebombing on someone else's name so that if they ever go egosurfing they'll find the googlebomb post. In this example, the aim would be to get CnV to rank unfeasibly high in Google for the search term 'Simon Pegg'.
Of course, this is purely hypothetical – just conjecture really. I'd never stoop to the level of attempting to googlebomb Simon Pegg because that would be sad and make me look like a strange stalkerperson. No, this is just a discussion of the concept of egogooglebombing Simon Pegg and not an actual attempt to do so.
Where's the door?

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