Design In-Flight is a new design mag, expertly put together by Andy Arikawa, who says:
Design In-Flight is a new PDF magazine targeted to graphic design professionals and web developers. Design In-Flight strives to both educate and entertain and is recommended reading for anyone currently involved in – or looking to enter – graphic design, web design and web development.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
My contribution to the inaugral issue of DIF is a feature called It's not just all pretty pictures, or How I learnt to stop worrying and love my content. In it I discuss how content influences web design, and how design can influence content. Here's a juicy snippet for you:
Often designers rely on brand values and colour swatches to give them direction, but the value in scanning the content for clues cannot be underestimated. In the same way that designers are concerned with look and feel, so writers are interested in tone and voice – i.e. not just what is said but the way that it is said. Become more aware of the nuances of language and use it to your advantage. Ask yourself, how does the content talk to the user? What is the tone? What is it really saying? What is the subtext?
For the rest you will have to subscribe to DIF, but with over 40 pages of stonkingly good content for only $3, (or $10 for four issues), how can you not?
Hi, thank you for making the mag expecially for us, the designers. I had an opportunity to look through it and think that it is done very good. Keep up the good work!
Mark, web designer
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