Good news for hairy-palmed blind men on their way to hell

by Suw on July 17, 2003

Seems that having a regular spank of the monkey might do you guys some good, actually protecting you against prostate cancer. I don't suppose for a second that you need any sort of excuse to go play with your little friend, but at least now you have the perfect comeback to anyone who tells you that self abuse is evil. Hell, if this catches on 'wanker' could become a word of advice rather than an insult.

A visitor July 17, 2003 at 3:56 pm

As Jay Leno mentioned last night, if regular masturbation prevented prostate cancer there would be no such thing.

Tim Harding []

Suw July 17, 2003 at 6:10 pm

That's a strong point, Tim. But maybe men just aren't doing it enough?

Of course, I daren't ask if frequent finger fidgeting prevents cervical cancer. That would be just too tacky.

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