
BarCampUK wiki

August 24, 2005

An anonymous commenter on my first BarCampUK post has created a wiki for us to use. Thank you, anonymouscommenterwhomIsuspectisMikeJonesconsideringthatheregisteredthedomain. All we need now is a venue! And a date! Wifi! Logo! T-shirts! Sponsors! And pizza!! BarCampUK

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August 22, 2005

I spent much of my evenings and mornings this weekend watching the video feed from BarCamp, the impromptu open source alternative to FooCamp. For those of you who don't know, FooCamp is a camp-out organised by publishing house O'Reilly. (In case you're wondering, 'foo' = 'Friends Of O'Reilly', but is also used in programming as […]

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No rest for the wicked

June 27, 2005

Off again now, up to London in preparation for the New Media Knowledge seminar, Blogging: A Real Conversation. Starts at 2pm tomorrow, at 01zero-one, Peter Street, Soho, London W1F 0HS. I'll be giving a deeply subjective view of objectivity. Be there, or miss the chance to heckle me something awful. I will likely be incommunicado […]

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June 25, 2005

Sitting here in departures in JFK, after a ludicrously early start and a flight over from San Francisco, during which I watched Henman fuck up Wimbledon for another year. Can't believe I've missed the first week of tennis – what poor timing. Not much battery left on the laptop, so figure I had better use […]

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June 21, 2005

Session went ok, I think. Hard to tell from my vantage point, but it seemed ok. Too tired to blog now. Need sleep.

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San! Fran! Cisco!

May 11, 2005

I'm hauling my ass over to San Francisco in June for the Supernova05 conference (20 – 22 June), at which I will be moderating a panel discussion on Business Blogging, with Robert Scoble, Charlene Li and someone from Six Apart. That'll be on Monday 20 June, 2.30 – 4.00pm, if you want to come along. […]

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The last day of virtual Etech

March 18, 2005

It's amazing what casually throwing someone's name around in the blogosphere can get you. Mentioned during an Etech presentation, for example: Danny: One thing about 43 Folders is what crosses over from the first adopters to the world. Not everything makes it. Take text-editors: a blog entry on Corante by Suw talked about how in […]

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More virtual presence at Etech

March 16, 2005

I really like having this virtual presence at Etech. The wifi's been much more reliable today, so I've been able to have a pretty consistent vidchat with Kevin again, and have been in some sessions and am currently at lunch. The difficulty of clear audio at both ends of the video link remains, though – […]

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Etech Camgirl!

March 16, 2005

I had really hoped to get over to Etech this year, but circumstances conspired against me and instead I am stuck here in Dorset, bemoaning my fate. Well, not completely… Thanks to iChat, a webcam, Kevin Marks and the very flakey network at the Etech venue, I've been Etech Camgirl, as Cory put it, smiling […]

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Off to Vancouver

February 15, 2005

I'm leaving this afternoon to go up to London, and will be flying out to Vancouver via San Francisco tomorrow. It's going to be a long journey, but I have books, copies of the New Scientist, my iPod and my laptop, so no real excuse for getting bored. If you're going to be at Northern […]

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Lunch in San Francisco, 21 Feb

February 14, 2005

I am going to have a few hours to kill in San Francisco on 21 Feb, so I thought it would be nice to have lunch with whomever's around. My good friend Maciej is going to pick me up from the airport and we'll be meeting up with Kevin as well, so if anyone else […]

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The Fall and Fall of Journalism – an LSE debate

February 7, 2005

The London School of Economics has invited me to take part in a panel debate called The Fall and Fall of Journalism on Monday 28 February, at 6.30pm (tickets £8): A panel of speakers will debate whether the traditional role of journalists is being usurped by simply anyone who has access to a digital camera, […]

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January 18, 2005

Saturday 22 Jan, from around 8pm I think, at Clery's, 113 Dartmouth St, Boston. Be there or be, er, somewhere else. I'll be the one with the British accent.

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January 12, 2005

In seven days time I shall be sitting on another plane making my way to Boston for a few days. Gonna meet up with my belovéd, and spend some time hanging out with The Redhead, Joey and Itamar. Specifically, on Saturday 22nd we will be at Clery's so if you are in the area please […]

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Northern Voice

December 19, 2004

I'm delighted to say that I am going to be at the NorthernVoice blogging conference in Vancouver on 19 Feb. I'll be sitting on the panel Promoting Your Blog and Building Traffic with Jeremy Wright, Derek K. Miller and Darren Barefoot (moderator). There are going to be some really interesting people speaking at NorthernVoice, including […]

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