Thursday, June 22, 2006

Death of Gmail

by Suw on June 22, 2006

Gmail, for the last month or two, has started running like a one-legged dog. It no longer runs – it staggers. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, it crawls. There appears to be a permanently unresponsive script running which kills it, no matter which browser I use.
Anyone suffering this? A friend of mine suggested that the problem could be GoogleTalk. I'd be perfectly happy to turn GoogleTalk off… if only I could find out how. Can't see a thing in my settings that could be mistaken for an 'off' button.
UPDATE: Anu tells me in the comments that it's at the bottom of the page 'standard without chat'. Dunno why they couldn't have that in the 'settings' tab too, which is the most logical place to look! I now have Gmail running without my chat enabled and will see if that solves the problem.
It is, though, really slowing me down. Not to mention driving me up the wall. Even typing an email is now a real pain in the ass, as the browser just becomes completely unresponsive.
It's as bad as Outlook.
Oh, and first person to say 'Serves you right for using Gmail' gets a kick in the shins.

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