
Blake's 7 – it's not just fiction anymore

June 15, 2004

Cast your mind back to the late 70s/early 80s, to cult sci-fi TV show Blake's 7. Remember ORAC, the rather condescending talking computer? Well, ORAC lives! The goal [was] to create a clear-cased computer where everything on the inside looked as good as the outside, and from all angles; Where cabling was a feature, not […]

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Sir Richard Branson sets amphibious Channel crossing record

June 14, 2004

From the BBC: Sir Richard Branson has set the record for the fastest crossing of the English Channel by an amphibious vehicle. He drove into the Guinness Book of Records on Monday in the Warwickshire-built Gibbs Aquada, crossing in one hour, 40 minutes and six seconds. How cool is that? Now, if I were going […]

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Dozomo up for sale

June 12, 2004

Well, their time is up, and 24hdc have finally put Dozomo up for sale on eBay, as they promised they would. It needs to sell for 1000 Euros to break even, and it has three days in which to do so. The final site is kinda cool, allowing you to search a bunch of services, […]

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24 hour dotcom

June 12, 2004

Some guys over at the Wizards of OS conference are engaging in what they call 'performance art/business project' and creating a dotcom in 24 hours. When it's done, they're going to flog it on eBay and get rich. Possibly. I'm still not clear what their product is, but they have less than nine hours left […]

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NotCon04 notes

June 9, 2004

So, herewith my NotCon04 report. This isn't going to be a hugely detailed discussion of what was said. Others were blogging and taking notes as we went, and each of the sessions was recorded, so the entirety of the conference will at some point be posted online for your delight and delectation. Best place for […]

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Off again

June 5, 2004

Off to NotCon04 tomorrow morning, thence to meet Joi and a whole bunch of other cool peepz. Back, er, sometime. Tuesday, possibly. Fill ya in then.

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June 3, 2004

Looking forward to NotCon04 on Sunday, although a bit miffed that due to my general widgetlessness, I shan't be able to make the most of the backchannel, #notcon on Freenode. Good job it's logged – at least I'll be able to see what everyone has said after the event. UPDATE: NotCon04 gets El Reg coverage. […]

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Two for the price of one

June 1, 2004

After several weeks of whining about how I wished I had two monitors, it suddenly came to light that there was a spare one in the house, skulking about in the bottom of a wardrobe, which I could purloin and call my own. With the installation of a new video card, I am now the […]

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A bullet bitten

May 30, 2004

I file this, laughingly, under the 'tech' category purely because I deliberately haven’t set up a ‘My computer hates me and I hate it’ category. If I did, you’d be deluged by my complaints, so I figure that it’s best we don’t go there. Over the last few months, my computer – my ageing, greying […]

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Next outing: NotCon '04

May 29, 2004

Next Sunday, 6 June, I shall be up in London again at NotCon '04. Looking forward to seeing Brewster Kahle and Cory Doctorow speak about copyright, plus there'll be lots of other goodies to enjoy. If you're there and you spot me, please do say hello.

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It's almost too early for things like this, but…

May 11, 2004

A new and impressive invention which I think people* should be utilising more often: iShower. *That is people I consider cute, not just any old people. And not me, obviously. You won't catch me broadcasting from the shower. (First person to say 'camgirl' gets a slap.)

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Lessig in London

April 30, 2004

I appear to be having a bit of a run on visits to London at the moment. Not that I'm complaining – it's a good excuse to escape Dorset. On 27th May I'll be going up to see digital rights expert and author of Free Culture Lawrence Lessig speak to the London International Festival of […]

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