
The trouble with long weekends…

February 18, 2004

Too many emails, too many photos, too much to blog. Please excuse me whilst my head a splode.

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Yoinks and away!

February 14, 2004

Off to London again tomorrow. Back Weds. If I owe you an email, sorry. I'll try to reply later in the week. Meantime, can you feed the plants, water the cat and generally keep an eye on the place for me? Ta muchly.

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Blogging by proxy

February 14, 2004

I was just talking to Kevin Marks on #joiito, when he commented about how he's been blogging by proxy recently: hanging out in irc and with bloggers at ETCon, and then having his comments blogged about by other people. I've been guilty of this – my Clangers post that got picked up by Neil Gaiman […]

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Fancy a little lie down?

February 14, 2004

What can you expect from a bunch of sodium street lamps hung up in a dark room? Not much, from the sounds of it. Yet I couldn’t help but be stunned by Olafur Eliasson’s Weather Project in the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern. The Turbine Hall is really a very big space, but usually […]

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Second Zoetrope RU-UK London meet-up

February 13, 2004

It’s always a bit strange posting pics of meet-ups, because intrinsically they’re really not very interesting for anyone who wasn’t actually there or who doesn’t already know the guilty parties, er, I mean, meeter-uppers. In basic terms, it was a basic pub-then-dinner evening, nothing really fancy except that everyone there was a writer of some […]

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February 13, 2004

Back on probation, because I missed them.

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February 12, 2004

Your absence has gone through me like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its colour. – WS Merwin (1927 – )

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Compact and bijou, darling. Compact and bijou.

February 11, 2004

Ok, so we’re here. The move was as tedious as you could imagine it would be, involving a four hour wait to get the keys to the new place. Amazing how slowly solicitors work. We didn’t start unloading til 4pm and all our careful planning – labelling each box with its desired final resting place […]

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Is there one action that will start a cascade of new Welsh bloggers as happened in Iran?

February 11, 2004

I just verbally (typographically?) vomited on Joi Ito's blog about this. Oops.

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I'm a node!

February 9, 2004

I've always wanted to be a node, or a hub, instead of a weak link. Now, finally, it seems I am. Yay! (Btw, if this makes no sense to you, don't worry. Just humour me a moment and I'll go away.)

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And I'm repeating myself

February 9, 2004

That's not a good sign, is it?

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It is so not all going to fit

February 9, 2004

I mean, it really isn’t. In August I moved from a two bedroom maisonette, which I was starting to fill up quite successfully, to two rooms here. Now I have to move all my bedroom stuff and all my office stuff into one room which is quite significantly smaller than the sum of areas I […]

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Itty bitty ittibittiness

February 9, 2004

I've packed all the easy stuff now. Just the irritating stuff. Stuff that won't fit into an archive box. This is the really tedious stage. You can't move in this place for boxes. Still, another 36 hours and it will all be over. This week's blog forecast: Small, pointless posts possibly interspersed with longer spells […]

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Paszport prosze

February 8, 2004

Well, since last week’s declaration that I would start seriously learning Polish, I have actually made some headway. I’ve started looking for Polish language websites to help me and have found a couple which are fairly useful. There’s a lot more out there – I just need to find the time to look through them. […]

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Jobs? What are they? Oh, yes, I remember…

February 8, 2004

Strange how after such long fallow period, suddenly I have jobs popping up from nowhere and a new found enthusiasm for the whole attempting to earn money thing. Friday I found myself accidentally applying for a Content Manager position in Manchester. I say ‘accidentally’ because a guy from a recruitment agency rang me but, true […]

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