
I know I really shouldn't have

August 20, 2003

I know I shouldn't have wasted good time doing this, but I couldn't help it. Now, I want to see this appearing on Neil Gaiman's weblog by the end of the week, and expect this URL to have gone round the world at least once by this time tomorrow. Don't disappoint me, people. Cannot Find […]

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On the other hand

August 20, 2003

This definitely does belong in the procrastination category. Yet another Cannot Find Server page. But it made me laugh.

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Blow-by-blow update

August 20, 2003

I don't know why this is in the procrastination category, but it is. Live with it. Sky sorted. NTL sorted. *sob sob* I can't believe it. I'm going to lose my beautiful 600k broadband connection. *sob sob* I've only had a it a few months. I'll be going back, then, to crappy dial-up, which may […]

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Arses and the shifting thereof

August 20, 2003

I still haven't started packing. I still haven't sorted out my change of address. I really must stop procrastinating. I really don't want to.

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Lost Temple of Isis

August 19, 2003

I had the most astounding dream this morning – the sort that makes you attempt to go right back to sleep again as soon as you wake, trying to reclaim those now lost moments. I dreamt that I was on holiday in Greece with my parents. We were in a large cave, accessed from a […]

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Forsooth, the end is nigh

August 18, 2003

I hadn’t realised it until today, but the end really is nigh. The end of my life in Reading, that is. For the last three years I have whined about Reading – about how soulless it is, how spiritless. Commuterville and then some. But the truth is that although I know no one here, it […]

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Golwg interview and Blog-City

August 18, 2003

I did an interview with Mai Williams of Golwg this afternoon. She emailed me Friday to ask if she could write a piece on Get Fluent and the troubles I’ve had with it. Of course I agreed, why wouldn’t I? But it felt odd. Like a book end. Golwg did a nice piece on me […]

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The first law of outdoors entertaining

August 17, 2003

Whenever entertaining is to occur outdoors, or rely on good weather, I can almost always predict with fairly reasonable accuracy that three things will occur. 1. The day before the event will be hot and sunny. 2. The day of the event, whether it's forecast to be hot and sunny or not, it will be […]

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The cough, Fflwff and insurance brokers

August 16, 2003

For those of you following the saga of my cough, and I know there are many of you quite riveted, you’ll be pleased to know that it’s now producing, i.e. instead of having a single lump of phlegm and mucous stuck in my throat which gets alternately coughed up then swallowed back down again, the […]

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Verdict on the Sudafed

August 15, 2003

Marginally effective. Lay there hacking for only an hour last night before finally falling asleep with Fflwff snuggling up to me. She attempted to hatch out my kneecaps all night, so I guess that means she's missed me. This goop does taste truly vile but it is supressing the cough a little bit. Or maybe […]

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Just a general update, really

August 14, 2003

So, here I am down in Dorset, but blogging almost as per usual on a wee laptop with a dial-up connection that runs like a three legged dog. Oh, how I shall miss broadband when I move back here at the end of the month. It’s an interminable wait for pages to load when I’m […]

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I'm tired of this amphibian now

August 14, 2003

What I wouldn't give to get rid of this cough. Or at least to find a cough supressant that actually supressed coughs, rather than just making your phlegm taste even more disgusting. Yet again I spent an hour or so lying there coughing last night until exhaustion overcame me. I really am fed up of […]

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Funny little thread that lead me round in circles

August 13, 2003

I love Pirates of the Caribbean. I love the way that Johnny Depp becomes Keith Richards The Pirate, mad glint in his eye and only still upright by accident. And I love the fact that there’s not a single American accent in the whole film, despite it being based on a Disney ride. So I […]

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The list gets ever longer

August 13, 2003

Things I should have done today but didn’t: 1. Write a letter 2. Reply to several emails (sorry if you’re someone I owe a reply to) 3. Rewrite my business plan and cashflow 4. Apply for a handful of jobs I found online yesterday 5. Look for more jobs online today 6. Put my CV […]

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This cough has legs

August 13, 2003

Another hellish night, coughing for two hours solid before the mucous retreated and allowed me to sleep. This cough is really winding me up now, so much so that I’ve actually gone out and bought some cough medicine, something I rarely do. I hate cough medicine with a vengeance, and always have done. I put […]

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