
A full set of BLX

April 5, 2004

Wow, I turn my back for one tiny moment and suddenly is everywhere. I am delighted, though, to welcome Ben Hammersley in to the BLX fold. I feel it’s incredibly important for such a luminary as Ben to take up the BLX standard and run with it, which is exactly what he is doing. Although […]

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Moving blogs

April 4, 2004

I dislike moving blogs – it’s like moving house. OK, so you don’t have to pack everything you own in boxes and then spend the next six months unable to find a thing, and you don’t have to take meter readings and then get all your final bills on the same day, but somehow moving […]

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A little piece of history

April 4, 2004

It's everywhere – in the air that fills your lungs, in the ground beneath your feet, in the water you drink. In your teeth. It permeates everything, often unseen, unnoticed, unfelt. But pause a while, sharpen your senses, plant your heels firmly and connect to the rest of the world. Feel it seep up into […]

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Three fours. Four Corners.

April 4, 2004

Like a fish-eye lense that takes in more than you can view with the naked eye alone, Four Corners brings together contributors from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania in a brand new group blog. Four Corners seeks to straddle boundaries, meld cultures and create a global shared storytelling experience for both writers and […]

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Pocket BLX

April 3, 2004

I am proud to announce that I have been commissioned by O’Reilly to author the definitive guide to the BLX standard in my new book, Pocket BLX – Embedding BLX in Your Blog. This will cover everything from details of the various competing BLX standards and how they affect BLX compliance to programming MyBLX and […]

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Kinja dig it? Er? No.

April 3, 2004

There’s been some chitchat on #joiito over the last day or so about the newly launched ?weblog guide? , so I thought I’d pop over and see what it’s all about. Kinja is basically attempting to gather blog content in one spot and make it easier for blog readers to explore content that they […]

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As the standards war erupts around me

April 2, 2004

Who’d?ve thought that the BLX standards war would hot up in quite the way that it has? GT’s 1.0 schema has, until know, been the accepted standard, but AKMA has recently challenged this position and is fighting back with the newly updated schema. Add to that the fact that Shelley Powers has come out on […]

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Next President of the USA

April 2, 2004

From Neil Gaiman's blog, a tidbit too choice not to pass on in full: Well, on the good side, I would appear to be the next President of the USA at Presidential Deathmatch 2004. On the downside, I have Lord Havelock Vetinari as my Vice-President, Terry Pratchett's Patrician. Which means that my main function as […]

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Wear Welsh!

April 1, 2004

Wear Welsh!

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April 1, 2004
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BLX 1.0 – the essential new web standard

April 1, 2004

Chocolate and Vodka has been compliant for some considerable time now, but at last night's European Bloggers Convention the new BLX 1.0 schema was proposed, debated and accepted. I strongly advise that you make sure that you are fully BLX 1.0 compliant as soon as possible. – you can't blog without it.

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Spot the new *s in my blogroll

April 1, 2004

I get frustrated sometimes by the way that people characterise the online environment as ?not real? by using the term ?real life? to describe offline life. When non-webbie types find out that I habitually meet online people offline, I often see a characteristic glaze come over their face, as if I’ve just told them that […]

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Other people think you should hire me too

March 30, 2004

Gapingvoid runs his 'hire Suw' ad again, and Stephanie Booth puts me in her linkball. Hire me now, whilst you have the chance.

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Sharing wisdom

March 30, 2004

Since I started reading blogs, I have learnt a lot. I've had my horizons widened in ways I wouldn't have thought possible, and usually without even realising it. Blogs are like a hive mind – all the little bits of information synergistically coming together like bees in a virtual meta-hive-brain. And it's in this spirit […]

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Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig, Chapter 8: Transformers

March 29, 2004

Ok, my contribution to AKMA's project to convert Lawrence Lessig's new book, Free Culture into an audio form is now done and dusted, and here it is for your delectation – Chapter 8: Transformers. Please don't link to this file directly because it'll kill my hosting. I'll put up a link to the various mirrors […]

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