Sunday, April 7, 2019

First round of finished projects

by Suw on April 7, 2019

Back in December, I decided that my main crafting aim for this year would be to finish as many projects as I can. And I’m happy that I have finished three planned projects and a fourth unplanned one.

I was a bit late on some of my Christmas crafting projects this year, but I did manage to finish this year’s, or rather last year’s, tree decorations. I will admit that I’ve slightly fallen out of love with crochet since I’ve learnt to knit, but I was quite pleased with how these came out. A good press, and sufficient starch, and you have some quite pretty little decorations.

I also finished this year’s addition to my nisse army. I’m trying to build up a collection of variously sized nisse, and this one is to hang on the tree. They’re ridiculously easy to make, I just didn’t have much time in the run-up to Christmas.

The biggie, though, was Kevin’s scarf, which I started about 18 months or so ago. It’s knitted in rick-rack stitch, which is a bit fiddly, in a fingering weight alpaca yarn, which made it even more fiddly. I’d been putting it off, but once I really got into it, it turned out to be quite soothing to knit. It’s now one of his favourites, so I’m glad I put the effort in.

And finally, I needed a knitting project to take with me to the UK in March. The only yarn I had going spare was some sock yarn that I had been planning to crochet into a table runner, but I had found that project to be really tedious and unenjoyable. So I frogged it, and knitted a pair of socks for Kevin. These are my first socks, and I’m really quite pleased with them! I have, of course, bought a second ball of the same yarn, so that I can make two more identical socks, so that Kevin has two matching pairs!


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