Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I’m slowly working my way through the final stages of preparing Queen of the May for publication. At the moment, I’m thinking about the new Kickstarter project whilst my beta readers get back to me with typos and other bits of final polish for the manuscript. I have to say that I’m very excited about getting this finished and published, not least because I think it’s the best thing I’ve written, and far better than Argleton!

I am trying to avoid falling into my usual trap of leaving the pitch video planning to the last minute. It’s a bad habit, but it’s an easy one to fall prey to as the pitch video is the one bit of the crowdfunding process that I loathe. I’m not a filmmaker, if I was, I wouldn’t be writing books. So to make my life a little bit easier, I thought it was worth asking you what sort of thing you want to see in a pitch video. What works for you? What information would help you make up your mind? Or don’t you care either way? (I know I rarely watch pitch videos, but maybe that’s just me.)

Anyway, here’s a short list of stuff to pick. Feel free to discuss in the comments and add your own ideas. (If the embed below doesn’t work, try this link instead.)

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