It's been a while since our last podcast, but here's the latest episode from Steph and me. Thanks to Steph for the shownotes and links. Let us know if you enjoy it!
- conferences: LIFT and Freedom of Expression
- not everybody has the internet – other cultures use mobile phones (e.g. Nigeria)
- technology overload at LIFT
- note-taking on a computer: expected in some contexts, but feels really out-of-place in others
- do we end up publishing our handwritten notes? trade-offs: handwritten and rewriting vs. direct blogging (Steph's very useful workshop notes)
- scanning vs. photographing written material, document management and shredding
- GTD status update (inbox zero)
- FOWA coming up and other fun London stuff
- Wedding 2.0 will be blogged on CnV, but will there be a webcast?
- technology as a way to stretch our Dunbar number, wedding 2.0 with IRC backchannel and crackberries galore (note: this is entirely hypothetical!)
- the Wedding Industrial Complex, trying to find an affordable venue in Dorset; IRC or SL would be cheaper, but is SL a registered venue?
- physical words for virtual places
- gap between us heavy users, and people who get a few e-mails a day, book holidays online and that's it
- exploring how new tools could help us most people aren't curious about new stuff
- winning over new users: finding holes in people's work processes and figuring out how to fix them
- Steph loves Facebook, I'm not so keen to join new social networks
- LinkedIn for business
- Facebook as a mashup to keep up with what your friends are upto, but isn't that what blogs are for?
- profile multiplication, tools need to talk to each other (holes in buckets)
If you liked that, and lord knows I'm not going to assume you do, you can also listen to episode 1.
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If you prefer, here's a direct link to the 14Mb mp3 file.
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