I'm not the only one with a line on my PowerBook

by Suw on February 21, 2005

Just sitting in a Starbucks in San Francisco with Dave NTK Green, Danny NTK O'Brien and Maciej Stachowiak, using Danny's PowerBook which used to be Cory Doctorow's. It has a whitish-yellowish line just like mine. Suddenly I feel in such good company.
Had a great lunch with some great conversation and stuff I'd blog if Danny hadn't promised me to silence.
Just felt that it was important to let you know that.
Fly back this afternoon, so don't expect coherance for a while.

Anonymous February 22, 2005 at 10:16 am

Show off… You're as bad as Paris Hilton with your access to the digital tech stars of today 😉

Anonymous February 22, 2005 at 3:24 pm

That's the sound of a name or three being dropped. 😉
Reprehensible, aren't I?

Anonymous February 23, 2005 at 10:55 pm

> I'd blog if Danny hadn't promised me to silence.
“sworn” ?
*tsk* I dunno, the education system today, it's an absolute disgrace. They'll be blogging next. Now… where's the Green Ink button on this webiculator?…

Anonymous February 23, 2005 at 10:59 pm

But I didn't take an oath, I promised. :-p

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