According to Blogware's server stats, Chocolate and Vodka passed the 100,000 page views/month milestone at the end of January, with a whole 102,442 pages viewed. Yay me. I guess that most of the 72,116 'distinct hosts served' were spiders and bots, but I think one or two real people might have slipped through. More fool them.
Most popular articles were:
690 views – Something for Nothing: The Free Culture AudioBook Project
589 views – William Shatner does something unspeakable to Pulp's Common People
357 views – The red line of death
Although I know that a lot of hits were for the London Underground tune that I hosted here rather than deep-link to someone else's site. I wondered at the time whether I was somehow being rude by hosting that file myself, particularly as I don't know the guys that did it originally, but I'm glad I did now. I'd hate to have been responsible for the bandwidth hammering of someone else's site that my deep linking might have resulted in. As it was, my bandwidth came to over 7000mb for Jan when in Dec it was about half that.
Most popular search terms for the month were:
113 requests – vodka
41 requests – chocolate
13 requests – firefox rss reader
Some combinations of 'william shatner' 'pulp' and 'common people' also counted for quite a few hits. Most amusing is the fact that eight people searched for the word 'squee'. Not sure what they were hoping to find, though.
There, bet you're feeling suitably impressed now, eh? Eh? Eh?
Anyway, would like at this point to give major props to the guys at Blogware, particularly Joey, for providing such a great service. It's been far better than any other blog service I've used, and I'm happy to call Blogware home.
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