1. I've just got my sound card working. Yay!! Yipee!! And hoorah!! This means that I am now listening to the dulcet tones of Mr Matt Bellamy, which are sending shivers up and down my spine, making me catch my breath and generally turning me into a weak-kneed, swooning wreck. The way he sings 'Oooh oooh oooh, yeaha yeaha yeaha yeaha yeah' just really does for me in ways that I am sure should be illegal. Gods, I can't wait til the album comes out. Oh god oh god oh god. 'I try to give you up, but I'm addicted'. It's enough to drive you insane.
Andy – if you don't get me tickets for the Muse gig in November, you are not a true friend.
2. It's 12.24pm. Why does it feel like about 9am?
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