Computer died last week (well, truth be told, I broke it), and then I had to leave for Wales, so no blogging lately.
It's absolutely gorgeous up here – I've had time to chill out, think, and consider everything whilst taking in the fantastic scenery. I so want to live in Llanfrothen, drink at The Ring and go for walks up Cnicht every day. Or maybe I could live in Llanberis in the shadow of Yr Eryri (Snowdon). *sigh*
Off to the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru tomorrow. May be good. May be bad. You never know what you're going to get with the steddfod.
Back home on Wednesday, so will post all the posts I promised you but didn't write then. Provided I can give my computer the electronic version of the kiss of life. Which I suspect will involve a poke with a big stick, and threats with bigger hammer.
Ah Llanfrothan. It is a beautiful place and Y Ring is a great locals pub. I used to go down there a fair bit when I was 17-18 cause friends of mine lived up past the gardens there (forgotten the name of the hall) lots of nights walking up the road from the ring shitfaced in pitch black dark.
Although I do have bad memories too…walking along that long straight stretch of road that goes from the garage down to Penrhyn so I could catch the bus back to Dolgellau, stinking of fire, fags and booze. No, they're not bad memories, they're ffycin brilliant ones! Hope you enjoyed Sdeddfod, looking forward to my outing this weekend.
Hyfryd dy weld di yn y Steddfod. Gobeithio bod y lluniau yn iawn.
Mae'n rhy ffycin boaeth! Meic yt sdop!
Nic Dafis
Poeth. Mae'n *boeth*. Nid boaeth.
Galw fy hunan yn diwtor Cymraeg?
Nic Dafis
Nwdls – ie, the steddfod was pretty good. a short visit, just Mon and Tues, and it was a bit strange not going to any gigs. Gutted that I missed (or will miss) Anweledig and Pep Le Pew. Haven't seen the lads for ages. Also wanted to see Texas Radio Band too as they were fantastic in Solfach last year. Oh well.
Made me really want to move up there though. *sigh*
Nic – Diolch yn fawr am dynnu'r lluniau. Maen nhw'n fedigedig – yn broffesional iawn, dw i'n meddwl. Roedd o'n hyfryd i dy weld ti. Sori do'n i ddim yn cael siawns i siarad â thi ar ôl y serimoni. O'n i'n cael sgwrs efo Ifor.
Mae'n rhy poeth yma hefyd. Helpa fe, helpa fi, mae fy meddwl yn meltio…
Ti'n nabod bois Anweleds? Oeddan nhw wastad yn y partis ma o'n i ynddyn nhw yn Llanfrothan. Gobeithio gai gip arnyn nhw wicend ma de. Nai gofio ti atyn nhw.
Ydw, dw i'n nabod Ceri a'r bois, trwy fy ffrind Debbie Williams (nee Prowse). Oedd hi'n arfer rhedeg y cylchgrawn Bandiau Cymreig Wythnosol. Dw i ddim wedi'u gweld nhw ers oesoedd. Os ti'n eu gweld nhw, dweda 'helo' ar fy rhan fi, ond rhaid iti defnyddio fy enw arall – Lewis. Stori hir, ond dyma fy enw yng Nghymru. Gobeithio bydd y gig Anweledig yn mynd yn dda. Rhoi report llawn imi wedyn hynny!
Fyddai'n siwr o neud Lewis! lol Mae'r lifft bron yma, gadael am tua 2.30pm yeeehaaa!
Gobeithio y byddi di'n treulio amser da iawn yn y Steddfod!
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