
Who wants to be a cool kid?

June 15, 2004

I have three one invites to Gmail to give away. Last time I had three invites to give away I happened to mention it on IRC and whoompf! They were gone! Not sure why. Something to do with signing up to Gmail making your more cool*. I've heard that you immediately become more attractive to […]

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Man beats horse

June 13, 2004

For 25 years the small town of Llanwrtyd Wells in mid Wales has held the Man versus Horse Marathon. Every year the horse has won. But not this year. Huw Lobb won the £25,000 prize yesterday, completing the 22-mile course in two hours, five minutes, and 19 seconds. Second was Kay Bee Jay, ridden by […]

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Dozomo up for sale

June 12, 2004

Well, their time is up, and 24hdc have finally put Dozomo up for sale on eBay, as they promised they would. It needs to sell for 1000 Euros to break even, and it has three days in which to do so. The final site is kinda cool, allowing you to search a bunch of services, […]

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24hdc unveil dozomo

June 12, 2004

So, the guys over at 24hdc have finally unveiled to the world the product that they've spent all night coding: dozomo, a site that allows you to search any search engine. At the moment, 'any' means 'Google' and you have to write 'google' before your search string, which is a touch clumsy, but this is […]

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24 hour dotcom

June 12, 2004

Some guys over at the Wizards of OS conference are engaging in what they call 'performance art/business project' and creating a dotcom in 24 hours. When it's done, they're going to flog it on eBay and get rich. Possibly. I'm still not clear what their product is, but they have less than nine hours left […]

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"It was this big… no, really!"

June 4, 2004

Joi's AP interview did the rounds, and eventually wound up on CNN, from which: “'And then Bunny said to Snowchyld…' oh damn, where are my fingerpuppets?”

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Parental revenge is sweet

June 4, 2004

Let the punishment fit the crime. (eBay auction page: read whilst still available.)

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June 3, 2004

Looking forward to NotCon04 on Sunday, although a bit miffed that due to my general widgetlessness, I shan't be able to make the most of the backchannel, #notcon on Freenode. Good job it's logged – at least I'll be able to see what everyone has said after the event. UPDATE: NotCon04 gets El Reg coverage. […]

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May 31, 2004

Joi is absolutely everywhere today. Guess no one can resist that clean-cut, boyish charm, eh?

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Bouncy email

May 31, 2004

If you've tried emailing me using my strawberry.z address and it bounced, please send again. There appears to have been something a bit screwy with that address recently, although I have no idea what it is. I assume it's been fixed simply because it doesn't appear to be bouncing anymore.Yay for free email accounts. No, […]

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Some people have way too much time on their hands

May 29, 2004

Please don't blame me for this. (Thanks Kate. Again. You're a bad influence.)

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New study rocks Crufts

May 26, 2004

DNA Study Finds Chihuahuas Aren't Dogs (thanks Kate)

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Big Question broadcast date

May 14, 2004

The interview I did about blogging for the BBC World Service's Big Question is scheduled to air on Saturday 22 May, between 10.30am and 11.00am BST. You can listen to it online on the Big Question page for a week after broadcasting, so if you're going to be asleep at the time, don't fret. I […]

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It's almost too early for things like this, but…

May 11, 2004

A new and impressive invention which I think people* should be utilising more often: iShower. *That is people I consider cute, not just any old people. And not me, obviously. You won't catch me broadcasting from the shower. (First person to say 'camgirl' gets a slap.)

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It's a cool kid thing, apparently

May 7, 2004

I have gmail. You can gmail me if you like. Once the novelty has worn off I shall probably not bother with gmail, the same way I don't bother with hotmail or any of the other webmail accounts I have. I already have enough email addresses and I am way, way too lazy to go […]

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