
Six Apart to buy LiveJournal?

January 5, 2005

Om Malik reports that he has learnt that Six Apart are to buy LiveJournal for 'an undisclosed sum'. The deal is a mix of stock and cash, and could be announced sometime later this month, according to those close to the two companies. If the deal goes through, then Six Apart will become one of […]

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No robot should be this cute. It's against Asimov's laws

December 24, 2004

Asimov's three Laws of Robotics are frequently quoted thusly: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own […]

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The green line of death

December 23, 2004

I was gutted earlier this evening when a bright green line appeared on my PowerBook's screen, about a fifth of the way over from the left, top to bottom, one pixel wide. I've done a number of restarts, advised by the Mac types in #joiito to hold down certain keys whilst doing so, but no […]

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iPods – the future

December 1, 2004

I had a dream the other night. I dreamt I was in a seminar and the speaker was really interesting (yes, you can tell it's a dream already, can't you?), and I was desperate to keep a record of what was being said. I had my iPod with me, but was sunk deep in disappointment […]

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A few random things I meant to blog about

November 28, 2004

Time has been short recently, for a variety of reasons, but finally a moment to blog. Because of filming again on the weekend, i couldn't get to the Apple store opening on Saturday, but I did manage to get over that way on Monday, only to discover that it was full to overflowing. I really […]

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Are BT blocking VoIP?

October 28, 2004

I've been working for the last few months with a client with a VoIP product and, out of general enthusiasm for it, I offered to help test it here in the UK using our BT Broadband ADSL service. Our broadband is a consumer, home service, and usually works just fine – it's worked with Skype […]

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I never knew Joi had this much power

October 24, 2004

I mean, I knew he had the ear of some important people, but I didn't realise he was quite so powerful. I bow down in awe, Oh Great One:

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iTunes, MusicBrainz and metadata

October 3, 2004

So, I finally wiped my second hard drive which had – until the Great OS Clean Install of 04 – been my primary HD, and copied all my music files over to it. All my data files, every single one of them, had been copied over the network to another machine before the reinstall, then […]

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Truly wireless working is mine! All mine!

September 6, 2004

With the installation of an Airport card and the arrival of a new battery, finally my PowerBook is up and running like it should be. Now I can sit in the lounge and add a whole new dimension to ineffective multi-tasking – TV! The delights of being able to IM, IRC, control my PC desktop […]

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September 6, 2004

You know what they say: to err is human, to forgive divine. Well, I don't know if PCs can do forgiveness, but by that reasoning they're a heck of a lot more human than a Mac could ever be.

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A right pain in the neck

September 1, 2004

I have probably the worst crick in my neck than I've had for ages. It feels like one of my vertebrae is trying to get out and walk. I know my spine well enough to know that the ache now will be ongoing until I see my chiropractor or acupuncturist. Roll on next week, when […]

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Have I told you recently how much I love my Interim Solution?

August 25, 2004

Probably not, considering that I only got it yesterday… You may or may not know (or care), but I have been yearning after a Mac for a couple of months now. Well, actually it's been about a decade, but it wasn't until I saw Macs in action at BlogTalk that I became totally smitten and […]

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How much do I hate Windows?

August 16, 2004

Quite a lot. In fact, a very big lot. With every inch of my being, in fact. Suddenly, and for no readily apparent reason, our home network is b0rked. Each computer can access the web, but none can access each other – Windows keeps asking for a network password that I know doesn't exist. I […]

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"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things. Of shoes and ships and stealing Macs…"

July 16, 2004

Ok, so maybe not stealing one, but certainly buying one. I’ve suffered Mac-lust since I saw my very first, in the Marine Geology post-grad office at Cardiff Uni some 14 years ago. I used it to edit the department newsletter, and lusted over it in the same way that I lusted after Dyson vacuum cleaners: […]

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IRCing from 34,000 ft

June 24, 2004

James blogs and IRCs from his seat on a Lufthansa flight from Munich to the LA, thus joining the *other* mile high club. Due to lack of power points near his seat, he spends an hour in the loo charging his laptop batteries. “Ooh, don't eat the prawns…”

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