A tip for cyclists.
You should always look where you are going. Be extra vigilant regarding obstacles in your path, for example, trees. Never let your concentration slip, no matter how big the bosom of the woman that you are staring at is.
If your focus lapses, you may end up colliding with said tree, and that would simply result in much laughter on many observers' parts, and potential pain on yours.
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Another tip for cyclists, an important one because I know this concept has not occured to a single one of the,:
If a traffic signal goes red at a pedestrian crossing it is fair to assume that there may very well be… pedestrians crossing. SO FUCKING STOP. That red light is an instruction to vehicles on the road. A bicycle is a vehicle and it is on the road – that means that the red light is an instruction for YOU, you incosiderate twats.
Ah. I feel better now.
Perhaps the cyclists don't notice the red lights because they are distracted by the enormous bosoms of passing pedestrians. So don't worry, Steve. Suw has given us hope that they'll get their comeuppance when an unexpected tree jumps into their path one day 😀
Were you the partner of said cyclist?
Or were you the owner of said bosom?
Said cyclist was a complete stranger to me. Said bosom was not.
Perhaps your busom should only be allowed out in public when accompanied by the appropriate signage. I can still see confusion coming about when they think the signs are telling them two humpback bridges are coming up, but they wouldn't be that far wrong…
Speaking as a regular cyclist, we do take advantage of the fact that we can be considered pedestrians under some circumstances. Now, I may be spoiled by the wide roads here (the roads on my commute have a cycle lane 6ft from the kerb so cars can park there without killing us), and the lower pedestrian density, but I will often head on if I can do so safely.
In the UK, with road space so much more scarce I can see why you get tetchy.
You know, Suw, you really need a new blog category to post to called “tits”.
First point is that no woman under fifty should uses the word “bosom” to name anything connected to her. You just dont do it.
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