by Suw on August 26, 2005
Neil Gaiman's coming to the UK. There will be signings. Which means there may well be queueings. And nerves. Maybe vomiting. Hopefully not. I nearly threw up on Martin Carr's feet once, but that was an unfortunate combination of nerves and food poisoning. At least, that's the story I've maintained for the last decade and I'm not changing it now.
You know, I'd much rather meet Neil in some sort of official capacity, as an equal not as a fan. It would be so much easier on my stomach, not to mention Neil's shoes. This is something I will have to carefully engineer, if not this time round then next. Hmm. Neil, you're not interested in being a patron of our new digital rights organisation at all, are you? You wouldn't have to do anything, just say what a terrifically good idea it all is and let me shake your hand and call you Neil as if I know you and then blush a furious shade of red whilst stammering that we were terrifically, terrifically pleased to have your support. Really very terrifically.
You know, (that's you, dear reader, not necessarily you, dear Neil, although maybe it is you if you happen to swing past on your way through to places more fascinating), I really should write one of these damn books I've been thinking about writing. I am in weekly discussions with my agent now, the truly terrific Neil Salkind from Studio B, about stuff, and I'm feeling particularly enthused about the whole concept of writing having just agreed to write a chapter for Uses of Blogs, ed. Axel Bruns and Joanne Jacobs.
It's been a while since I've felt the creeping need to write something big, but it's crawling through my veins as I type. And believe me, a 3500 word braindump on digital rights is merely a sticking plaster on the wound of auctorial ambition. No, I must begin a book, forthwith and henceforth.
After I've had some sleep.
by Suw on August 26, 2005
A few months ago I asked my Mum to knit me an iPod sock, because I couldn't stand the thought of shelling out over 20 quid for some thin piece of junk from Apple. Whilst she was experimenting, I suggested that she add in a pocket, for the earphones, because there's nothing worse than losing your earphones.
The iPod sock she came up with was great, so great that the gadget-meister himself, Philip Torrone, drooled with desire when I showed it to him. He even mentioned it at Gnomedex.

I'm delighted to announce that now you can get your own hand-crafted iPod sock with pocket, either by knitting one yourself (instructions courtesy of my Mum), or by ordering one through PayPal (see below).

DIY Instructions!
If you'd like to knit your own, these are the instructions. (Don't ask me if it doesn't make sense – I can't knit to save my life.)
Using 3mm needles and double knitting wool, cast on 16 stitches and knit stocking stitch for 3 inches. Put stitches onto spare needle.
Main part
Using 3mm needles and double knitting wool, cast on 40 stitches and knit double 2×2 rib for 3 inches, ending with the wrong side facing.
Next row, knit rib for 22 stitches, cast off 16 stitches, and P2.
Next row, K2 transfer 16 stitches from spare needle and knit rib 2×2 across all stitches until it measures 4 inches.
Change to 2 1/4mm needles and rib 2×2 in the same or contrasting wool for a further 2 inches and cast off.
Turn over top 2 inches in half and sew down. Sew along side and bottom securely to finish.
Any problems, let me know and I'll ask my Mum.
Or get my Mum to knit you one!
iPod socks, knitting patterns
by Suw on August 26, 2005
Gosh, that sounds a bit rude, doesn't it?
by Suw on August 26, 2005
… If posting a post will make this blog show the new ones instead of the old ones.
Who can tell.
UPDATE: Hm, it seems that this blog thinks it's July 6th, so although posting is fine, and all the articles are here, but it's for some reason not displaying the latest ones on the front page. Guess I'll have to wait for the guys at Blogware to wake up and see if they can fix it.