Friday, October 7, 2005

Offline this weekend

by Suw on October 7, 2005

Apart from the possibility of spending a wee bit of time in the office tomorrow morning, I am essentially offline this weekend. Email will remain unchecked. Blogs unread. Webpages unviewed. The withdrawal will be awful – the tremors, the hallucinations, the dry mouth, the pounding heart…
Ah, fuck it. What I have planned will be so much more fun than sitting here replying to email.

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Bendigedig – Scrabble yn Gymraeg

by Suw on October 7, 2005

Ar y BBC, mae Scrabble wedi cael ei gyhoeddi yn y Gymraeg. Ffantastig! Dw i rili rili eisiau un… a phobl i chwarae efo. Wel, nawr dw i'n byw yn Llundain unwaith eto, dw i'n gallu rhoi galw i fy ffrindiau o Gymru. Jyst rhaid imi ffeindio amser… Esgus crap iawn, on dydy? Sori.

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