

February 28, 2004

Ok, so I know you’ve all seen snow before. Well, I presume you’ve all seen snow before. Certainly there are enough pictures of snow on tv and the internet that even if you haven't seen snow in the flesh before, you can't possibly be unaware of the nature of snow. So these pictures aren’t going […]

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Wifi! Broadband! W00t!

February 27, 2004

It works! It works! It works!!! I am so going to be ircing from my bed tonight. Yeah baby! Ok, so it took us all day to realise that we had a dns address wrong, but still, it only took us about six hours to get it all up and running which I consider to […]

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A special and unique snowflake

February 26, 2004

Wow! Snow twice in one year! And both on a Thursday evening! Nature surely is conspiring. Honestly, though, it's beautiful. The snow is falling gently but steadily, and we have about four inches settled on the ground now. It's so unusual to get snow here, it just doesn't happen very often so it's a big […]

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Wifi? Check. XFM? Check. Nostalgia? Awww, check!

February 26, 2004

Just sitting here, in the lounge, making the most of our new wifi network*, with XFM playing for the first time since I left Reading. Bliss! For years I was used to having XFM, an indie radio station with exceptionally good taste, on in the background all day whilst I worked. I was surprised how […]

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Extreme Pingu

February 25, 2004

Played Reinhold and Yeti? Try PinguXtreme. Those land mines, they really help the scores. Update: Working again!

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Wifi-ing up the house. Or not.

February 25, 2004

Finally we've got round to this whole idea of a domestic wifi network, prompted by the myth that broadband is available at this postcode. Personally, I'll believe that broadband is available at this postcode when it's actually installed and running, but til then I remain sceptical. The little wifi widgets came this morning, theoretically allowing […]

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This way, magnificent Valhalla lies

February 24, 2004

If you can just slip behind a molecule… There it is. Just as Douglas Adams described it. St Pancras. The huge locomotive shed, fronted by The Midland Grand Hotel, empty now for years, sadly deserted and abandoned. The first time I ever went to St Pancras I thought it was spelt St Pancreas and couldn’t […]

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BlogTalk 2.0

February 24, 2004

I was talking to GT last night about going to the BlogTalk 2.0 conference in Vienna in July. It's affordable in terms of registration, and it would be deeply cool to go and network with interesting blogger people. Somewhere in the back of my head, a small voice is screaming that I might not actually […]

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Traces of Guilt

February 23, 2004

A great review on The Register of fellow Zoetroper Neil Barrett's book, Traces of Guilt. Looks like a good read, if computer forensics interests you, and now it's on my wishlist. Which is obviously not a hint. Honest.

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Devour online

February 22, 2004

Cthuugle, for all your devouring needs.

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February 22, 2004

Half the time I don't remember what I've said to whom, what I've blogged, and what is still festering in its own juices in my head. Right now, I'm suffering from the instant gratification of IRC, not really blogging properly, not replying to emails properly. Too much to do. Too little time. Too many cats […]

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February 20, 2004

If you're having difficulty leaving a comment on my blog, and are using either Norton Internet Security or ZoneAlarm, please add CnV's url to your set up to allow header information to be passed through. You should then be able to comment ok. Blog-City is trying to stamp out comment spam, hence the slightly tighter […]

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Critical diacritics

February 20, 2004

One of the great things about going up to London last weekend was that I got to spend quite a bit of time with my Teach Yourself Polish book. I’ve completed Chapters 1 and 2 now and have been constantly revising them. It’s important at this stage of the game not to rush it, not […]

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"I see your weird atonal yipping and raise you a strange piercing drone"

February 19, 2004

I've just been introduced to the joys of Russian folk music by Maciej over at Idle* Words. No cute boys with guitars. No amps. In fact, no instruments at all, just a bunch of Russian speakers with lungs like bellows and a preternatural ability to yip. Yet, despite years of blinkered obsession with indie rock, […]

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Welcome to IRCers Anonymous

February 19, 2004

Up in London again last Sunday to meet with a bunch of guys from #joiito, including Gary Turner, whose blog has been a daily read of mine for, like, ever. Because I’d been so blown away by The Weather Project when I went to see it last time, I’d suggested to the guys that we […]

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