I see from the stats that some people are still coming here for their regular dose of chocolate and vodka goodness. Sorry guys, but I've moved to Blogware for good. Please update your links, bookmarks, blogrolls et cetera with the new url. If you're still getting this RSS feed, then you really need to change it to this one.
Soon this blog will be nothing more than a repository for past posts, and even those I am hoping one day to move somewhere more permanent.
So, come on over to Blogware and join the party there. Last one to leave, turn the lights out would you?
When I wrote my Kinja post last week, I was starting off from a bias-free point of view.
Read the rest.
AKMA’s project to have all of Lawrence Lessig’s new book, Free Culture, read by bloggers and made available for free download is now complete.
Read the rest.
If you really want to see someone take a new service apart, try Mark’s deconstruction of Google’s latest offering, Gmail.
Read the rest.
Suw Charman is a freelance writer and web designer who is currently looking for work. She has written for BBC Wales and the Melody Maker amongst others. She speaks Welsh and runs two services for learners: Get Fluent and Clwb Malu Cachu.
This blog has now moved to Blogware. Please update your blogroll/links. Thank you!
OK, I'm now convinced of Blogware's superiority and am moving my blog over there permanently. Well, for the forseeable future anyway.
If you have a link to me in your blogroll or sidebar, please can you change it to: http://chocnvodka.blogware.com/. If you have an RSS feed of my blog, please update it to http://chocnvodka.blogware.com/blog/index.xml
Archives will stay here, so linkrot should not be a problem. I will also continue to feed exerpts to this blog so that the changeover goes as smoothly as possible. I hate the idea of moving blogs, particularly as this one snuck into the top 10,000 blogs on Technorati for a brief moment today, but at the end of the day, I can't keep two blogs going indefinitely, and Blogware has pipped Blog-City to the post in terms of ease of use and available features.
Sorry, Blog-City. It was beautiful whilst it lasted.
A while ago I was thinking ?Oh, wouldn't it be cool if I could display a feed of the #joiito bot blog on my own blog?', but I had no idea how to do it. Today, I discovered Feedroll, a website that allows you to take any RSS-type feed and display it on your blog. A few moments later and I have the #joiito bot blog in my sidebar, no fuss, no hassle.
The next challenge it for me not to overenthusiastically plaster feeds all over my blog. Oooh, I'm really not sure I can resist…