Argleton Reviews

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Argleton reviews:

  • NEW! Russell Phillips‘s verdict: “Highly recommended, especially if you like maps or are a computer geek.”
  • Beth Dunn, who described it as a “a beautiful, beautiful handmade book”.
  • Fiona Campbell-Howes, who said of the story, “far more accomplished than I expected, nipping along at an engaging pace and weaving all kinds of geeky concepts – memes, trolls, copyright traps, smartphone apps, geolocation, data mashups, crowdsourcing, alternate reality games – into an absorbing and satisfying story that really made me feel as if I was there with the main characters.”

There are a couple of unboxing photo sets on Flickr:

And Kickstarter’s Cassie Marketos wrote a lovely blog post about the project. I have also collected some of the reactions to Argleton on Twitter (below). If you’ve published or seen any other reviews, mentions or unboxing photos, please do let me know!!