Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Something up with RSS

by Suw on March 15, 2005

It seems that something has gone awry with Blogware's RSS feed generation, resulting in my feed producing nothing but empty posts. This must be irritating for those of you who read me in your aggregators, so sorry about that. There's not much I can do about it except wait and see how long it takes them to fix it. I'm sure it won't take that long – Blogware have always been very responsive when it comes to fixing problems.
I did notice, however, a big spike in the number of people visiting my site yesterday, something which I would have liked to have put down to the scintillating content, but I fear it's really just frustrated people clicking through from their aggregators to find out what I'm wibbling on about.
Oh well.
UPDATE: RSS is fine now. 🙂

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