Two for the price of one

by Suw on June 1, 2004

After several weeks of whining about how I wished I had two monitors, it suddenly came to light that there was a spare one in the house, skulking about in the bottom of a wardrobe, which I could purloin and call my own. With the installation of a new video card, I am now the proud owner of more screen real estate than I can shake a (very small) stick at.

So, being the proud owner of all this extra acreage, what do I do with it? Why, I run IRC on the second screen, of course! I mean, did you really have to ask?
I have virtually no desk space left, mind, but then, that's what the bed is for. I just have to remember never to leave anything on the bed that I'm not willing to sleep on top of, or have a cat incubate.

Anonymous June 2, 2004 at 1:01 pm

I just have to remember never to leave anything on the bed that I'm not willing to sleep on top of
Nah… that's just far too easy…

Anonymous June 2, 2004 at 1:15 pm

I set 'em up, you knock 'em… er… *cough*

Anonymous June 2, 2004 at 1:17 pm

Tsk tsk. Honestly, what do you take me for?

Anonymous June 4, 2004 at 3:02 am

The style has changed since I last looked or is broken? but you could quite easily.. if you have? not!

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